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Upcoming Events

November 27, 2017

Harvest Hills Community Church Woman's Conference

Alive Again Ministries will have a table set up at the Harvest Hills Community Church during their annual Women's Conference.  The Founder/President, Sherry Rittenour, will be speaking during the conference.  There will also be two other women giving their Journey to Grace testimonies.  


The conference will be held at 123 Harvest Hills Rd. Somewhere, AL.  


The conference times will be from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.


For more information, click the button below.

December 09, 2017

Brooklyn Tabernacle Women's Conference

Alive Again Ministries will have a table set up at the Brooklyn Tabernacle church during their annual Post-Abortion Conference.  The Founder/President, Sherry Rittenour, will be speaking during the conference.  There will also be another women giving her Journey to Grace testimonies.  


The conference will be held at the Brooklyn Tabernacle church in Brooklyn, NY.  


The conference times will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


For more information, click the button below.

January 06, 2018

Another Church Conference

Alive Again Ministries will have a table set up at the Another Church Conference during their annual conference.  The Founder/President, Sherry Rittenour, will be speaking during the conference.  There will also be three other women giving her Journey to Grace testimonies.  


The conference will be held at the Another Church in Another Place, AL.  


The conference times will be from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.


For more information, click the button below.

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